Yukie OSA, PhD (Ms.)

Yukie OSA, PhD (Ms.)

Dr. OSA is professor, Dean, at Graduate School of Social Design Studies, Rikkyo University, Tokyo Japan. She also represents a humanitarian NGO, Association for Aid and Relief, Japan(AAR), established in 1979. As a head of emergency assistance operations, she was involved in AAR’ programs in Cambodia, Former-Yugoslavia, Mozambique, Kosovo, Chechenia, Afghanistan, etc. As a member of International Campaign to Ban Landmines(ICBL), she led the Japanese Mine Ban Campaign during and after the Ottawa Process. She was a researcher for ICBL Landmine Monitor Report for China from 1998-.2008.
She received her PhD in Human Security Studies at the graduate school of the University of Tokyo (2007). Her publications include, Srebrenica –Analysis of a genocide, Toshindo Publishers,2009, Primer to Human Security- in pursuit of freedom from fear and want ,Chuo-Koron Publishers 2012 and its revised and enlarged edition,2021.
She was a member of the Board of Trustees for the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) (2016-2021), members of the Advisory Group for the United Nations Central Emergency Response Fund(UNCERF) (2012–15) and Japanese National Commission for UNESCO (2013-17).

Current title:

Professor, Graduate School of Social Design Studies, Rikkyo University
Professor, Department of Sociology, Rikkyo University
Vice President, Rikkyo University (Oct.2019-Mar.2022)
President, Association for Aid and Relief, Japan
Advisory board member, Soma City Reconstruction Council(Fukushima Pref.)
Vice President, Soma Follower Team to provide psycho social care to the victims of 3.11

Member of the Board of Trustees for the United Nations Institute for Training and
Research (UNITAR) (Jan.2016-2021)
Member of Japanese National Commission for UNESCO (2013- 2017)
Member of the Advisory Group for the United Nations Central Emergency Response
Fund(UNCERF) (Oct.2012 – May 2015).

Educational Background
2007 Ph.D. in Human Security Studies, the University of Tokyo, Tokyo Japan
Thesis: “Srebrenica Genocide: A Study on interventions in genocides in the post- cold war era”
1990 M.A. in Political Science from Graduate School of Waseda University, Tokyo
Thesis: “Japan’s Ainu minority and their political life”
1987 B.A. in Political Science from Waseda University, Tokyo
1984 – 85 Studied at DePauw University, Greencastle, IN., USA as an exchange student

Teaching Experience
2010 – present Professor, Graduate School of Social Design Studies and Department of Sociology, Rikkyo University (Tenure)
2009‐2010 Specially Appointed Professor, Graduate School of Social Design Studies Rikkyo University
2008 – 2012 Lecture at the University of Tokyo
2008 – 2010 Lecturer at Waseda University
2006 – 2009 Lecturer at Aoyama Gakuin University
2006 – 2008 1995- 97 Lecturer at Tokai University
2001 – 2003, 2004-5  Lecturer at Rikkyo University

Working Experience in NGOs
July 2008 – present President, Association for Aid and Relief, Japan (AAR JAPAN).
July 2006 – March 2011 Chairperson, Board of Directors of Japan Platform (JPF).
July 1991- October 2003 Worked for the Association for Aid and Relief, Japan (AAR JAPAN).
・ Acted as Deputy Secretary General(1995-2000) and Secretary General (2000 – 2003).
・ As a head of emergency assistance operations, she was involved in AAR’ programs in Cambodia, Former-Yugoslavia, Mozambique, Kosovo, Chechenia, Afghanistan, etc.
・ She was a field representative in the former Yugoslavia region (1994-95).
・ During and after the Ottawa Process to ban anti-personnel landmines, She lead the Japanese Ban Campaign. .Also represented AAR on the Coordination Committee of the International Campaign to Ban Landmines (ICBL) from 1999 to 2003.

Publications (All works are written in Japanese unless otherwise noted.)
• Primer to Human Security- in pursuit of freedom from fear and want Chuo-Koron Publishers. 2012 and its revised and enlarge edition, 2021.
• Srebrenica –Analysis of a genocide, Toshindo Publishers, 2009.
• The Hand book on Landmine issues, Jiyu Kokuminsha, 1997
(the author and editor)
Srebrenica Genocide – Lessons and questions after 25 years, Toshido Publishers,2020

Articles, Book Chapters and journals include:
• “How to utilize the concept of Human Security for Japanese Foreign Policy” in Daisaku Higashi ed., Human security and Peace Building, Nihon Hyoronsya, 2017 pp181-201
• “Disasters and Human Security, Lessons Learned in the Great East Japan Earthquake” in Chiiki Kenkyu Vol15 (1), Center for Integrated Area studies, Kyoto University 2015.
• “The Growing Role of NGOs in Disaster Relief and Humanitarian Assistance in East Asia”, in Rizal Sukma and James Gannon eds, A Growing Force: Civil Society’s Role in Asian Regional Security, Japan Center for International Exchange, 2013: written in English
• “Seeking Japanese conceptions of humanitarianism”, Paper contributed to the “Cultures of Humanitarianism: Perspectives from the Asia-Pacific” project, The Australian National University & Institute of Asia and Pacific Studies at the University of Nottingham October 2012: written in English
• “International Law and NGOs” in Yoshiki Mine ed. Globalization , Actor, NGOs, Shin Hyoron, 2011
• “What happened in Srebrenica”, in Yuji Ishida eds, Genocide and Modern World, Bensei Publishers, 2011
• “Human Rights of Refugees and IDPs and Activities of International NGOs” in Jyunichi Saito ed. Repositioning Human Rights Vol.IV , Houritsu Bunka publisher, 2011
• “Mine Action”, in Seiji Utsumi eds, International Humanitarian Assistance, Nakanishiya Publishers, 2008
• “The Challenges of Civil Military relations from NGOs’ Perspectives”, in Yuji Uesugi eds, Civil- Military Relationship in State Building: The Theory and Practice of Reviving Failed States, Kokusai Shoin, 2008
• “The Civil Military Relationship and NGOs”, Tatsuo Kunugi eds, New Horizon for the United Nations and Global Civil Society, Toshindo Publishers, 2006
• “The Role of Japanese NGOs in the pursuit of human security: limits and possibilities in the field of refugees”, Japan Forum Volume 15 No.2 2003: written in English
• China Section for annual Landmine Monitor Reports, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, and 2008, International Campaign to Ban Landmines: written in English

• 2020-2022: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research for “Possibility of reconciliation and coexistence in a torn society after ‘genocide’ – in case of Srebrenica”
2017‐2019:Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research for “The ICTY and the aftermath in the post-genocidal community- Srebrenica”
• 2008: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science to publish dissertation, Sreberenica.
• 2005-2007: Mitsubishi Foundation for the Research Security of NGOs for humanitarian assistance

• 2000: Junior Chamber Internatilnal (JCI) awarded the Outstanding Young persons of the world (TOYP)
• 1997: As a member of International Campaign to Ban Landmines, awarded Nobel Peace prize for 1997 for the work for the banning and clearing of anti-personnel mines. Attended the prize awarding ceremony in Oslo in December 1997